If you are relying on pendants to
cover your client’s fall risk
…you need to watch this webinar.

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About this webinar

Unfortunately, traditional pendants tend to get ignored or forgotten, so InteliCare has developed an innovative approach using a mix of smart in-home sensors and predictive technology to help prevent falls and other emergencies before they happen.

It’s an incredibly simple and cost-effective alternative to give your clients the support they need to live safely and independently at home. We’ve love to get even more OTs up-to-speed with the latest developments in smart home assistive tech to enable you to maintain client optimum function and independence.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  1. How smart AT + predictive analytics can proactively help prevent falls.
  2. How to build a smart home using in-home sensors which proactively keeps your clients safer.
  3. New devices which are alternatives to pendants (wearable and non-wearable devices).
  4. NDIS and MyAgedCare funding and pricing.

Who Should Attend – OTs, Physios, RNs in Aged Care and NDIS, Allied Health professionals.

About InteliCare

InteliCare was named in the recent Royal Commission report. InteliCare’s predictive analytics platform leverages data from wearable and non-wearable devices, delivering insights to the care circle so they can proactively reduce and help prevent decline and falls. These insights include activities of daily living, health metrics as well as emergency requests (falls, etc). InteliCare is a WA-based ASX listed company.

About the presenter

Jenny Spring is the national consultant for HCP and NDIS clients. Jenny has a background in advanced analytics, and assists care providers and allied health professionals to use data to better understand their clients and deliver better health outcomes.

How can InteliCare help your clients?